Stack Overflow


Stack Overflow for Teams

Stack Overflow empowers the world to develop technology through collective knowledge.

About Us

Stack Overflow’s public platform is used by nearly everyone who codes to learn, share their knowledge, collaborate, and build their careers. We serve 100 million people every month, making our public platform one of the 50 most popular websites in the world.

Our products and tools help developers and technologists in life and at work. These products include Stack Overflow for Teams, Stack Overflow Advertising, and Stack Overflow for Talent and Jobs.

Stack Overflow for Teams, our core SaaS collaboration product, is helping thousands of companies around the world make the transition to remote work, address business continuity challenges, and undergo digital transformation.

Whether it’s on Stack Overflow or within Stack Overflow for Teams, community is at the center of all that we do.

Private knowledge sharing & collaboration

An organization’s knowledge sharing can make or break important initiatives like digital transformation and cloud migration, as well as a company’s ability to attract and retain talent.

Stack Overflow for Teams is a knowledge sharing & collaboration solution that technologists already trust. Used by thousands or organizations around the globe, Stack Overflow for Teams can help you:

  • Scale team productivity and accelerate org-wide initiatives

  • Enable distraction free, asynchronous collaboration

  • Grow a collective knowledge base over time

  • Reuse knowledge over and over again

Join companies like Microsoft, Box, Instacart, and Zapier to unblock your teams and transform knowledge sharing & collaboration at your organization with Stack Overflow for Teams.

Learn from peers

We’ve collected stories from clients on how their business and teams were transformed after adopting our knowledge sharing and collaboration platform, Stack Overflow for Teams.

Learn from your peers in our comprehensive eBook and explore new ways to solve the challenges you may be facing.

Take an interactive tour

Stack Overflow for Teams leverages the same platform that made our public site a vital resource to over 100 million people every month.

By using a question and answer format, knowledge is organized into our natural way of thinking. This ensures the most useful information is captured, indexed and reused, over and over again.

Stack Overflow for Teams also supports long-form documentation through our Articles feature and can be organized into Collections to group a set of similar questions and articles.

Want to see how it works? Try exploring our interactive demo!

Gabriela Arellano